Effective Bed Bug Treatments
About Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are flat, round, reddish-brown insects about 7 mm (1/4 inch) long. These pests feed voraciously on blood, biting you and your pets and leaving itchy welts. They can take over very quickly!
Facts about Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are usually found within 4-8 feet of their food source and generally are more horizontally mobile than vertically so they will look for hiding places at same level as food source. Bed bugs are transported in furniture, luggage, boxes, suitcases and packed clothing.

Bed Bug Treatment Options
Chemical Treatments
Bed Bugs are becoming more and more resistant to EPA approved pesticides
Chemicals can be used but do need multiple application treatments
When using chemicals sometimes things can get ruined or damaged
Most chemicals are not safe for animals
Heat Treatments
HEAT is done in one day
HEAT is safe and nontoxic.
HEAT is proven to be an effective way to kill bed bugs in only ONE TREATMENT!
HEAT penetrates into cracks and crevices that other methods cannot
We Are Heat Treatment Experts
EarthRite Pest Control offers you an Eco-Friendly, non-toxic heat application that can be applied to specific areas as well as entire structures for bed bug removal. Our Ohio bed bug heater rental works by directing clean, dry heat into an infected area and slowly raising temperatures to levels lethal to bed bugs. Temperatures in the range of 122-143ºF for about one hour prove fatal to many of the pesticide resistant organisms that invade our buildings. If you’re looking for a product that kills bed bugs, without exposing your family to dangerous chemicals, consider HEAT! Bed bug heat treatments are considered the most safe & effective way to remove and completely kill bed bugs.
About Chemical Treatments
CHEMICALS ARE SPOT TREATMENTS – The problem with chemical treatments starts with the fact that they primarily work as spot treatments. Research studies at the University of Kentucky indicated that bed bugs have developed an increased resistance to current pesticides. This means that unless a bed bug is contacted directly with an approved pesticide it may not kill the bug at all. Only 6% of chemical treatments are effective in one treatment. Most chemical treatments take 3 or more applications to be effective.
HEALTH RISKS – Bed bugs got their name because of the places they are commonly found—our beds. This poses another problem to using chemicals. Applying large amounts of pesticides to the areas in which you and your family sleep can be toxic. Health threats posed to people and pets from pesticide sensitivity include: skin and eye irritation, nerve damage, disruption of the endocrine system and even cancers.
ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS – Environmental hazards are another concern related to chemical treatments. DDT was an approved chemical for bed bug treatments until it was banned in 1972 due to its environmental risks. Sprayed pesticides often end up in the air, soil, or water, where they pose threats to the ecosystem and cause adverse health and reproductive effects to many animals in the food chain.